Jan Care presents check to West Virginia Breast Health Initiative: survivor speaks

Jan Care Ambulance has been a huge supporter of the West Virginia Breast Health Initiative for years.

They presented a $2,500 check to the organization that will benefit those battling breast cancer.

It’s been a roller coaster ride for 66-year-old survivor Jeff Dempsey, who in 2021 was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer.

“I had heard about breast cancer; I was totally clueless so I started getting more and more information,” Dempsey said. “It’s a real battle and I would actually want to encourage everyone or anyone that’s suspicious of something growing in their chest to have it looked after.”

While it’s not common and may not cross a guy’s mind that he could become a patient himself, male breast cancer does happen so it’s important not to ignore any symptoms.

Serving 55 counties, the West Virginia Breast Health Initiative is most proud of the fact that 100 percent of the money they raise here by people like Jan Care Ambulance will stay in the Mountain State to help West Virginians.

“That helps survivors get through their battles with breast cancer, through their diagnoses, to help with patient navigation, transportation, getting groceries,” said WVBHI executive director Donna Dehart. “All these different things that they need that it’s not necessarily medically related.”

When first reaching out to places in West Virginia Jeff was told he didn’t qualify because he is a man. He initially had to leave the state for treatment.

“‘Cause I wasn’t getting the support or the help in any way here so when I actually went to UVA — the West Virginia Breast Health Initiative followed me there; they gave me support,” Dempsey said. “When someone like that you don’t even know calls you and offers to help like that; it just takes the world off your shoulders. ”

Jan Care’s check to the West Virginia Breast Health initiative will make such a difference.

“Funds like this help us to help people that need transportation back and forth to treatment, people that have to travel long journeys, have to travel five days a week to get radiation or have to travel out of state to different facilities,” said Dehart.

As a breast cancer survivor himself, Jeff wants to help other men or women who encounter this same problem and assure you you’re not alone.

“It’s a real satisfying thing for me to know that all the good people out there I never knew existed keep looking for me,” Dempsey said. “And that’s where I am today — I’m still alive.”





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