GREENBRIER COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – A family from Greenbrier County needs the community’s help to cover financial costs from medical expenses.
Victoria, an unborn baby girl from Greenbrier County, has several medical conditions.
A GoFundMe Page has been set up to help raise money to cover medical expenses.
A Facebook group called Victory for Victoria has also been set up to get the latest updates.
The most recent update can be seen below from the family.
“So I spent 7 hours today at my appointment In Charleston. I had a Doppler on the umbilical cord which showed elevated areas which turned into areas of absence(2nd stage). In other words, The baby has spots in the cord where blood has stopped flowing. She is getting blood at this point, it has not yet turned into reversal (last stage, meaning they have to deliver) but it is most definitely something that was monitored for several hours to ensure it was not getting worse at the moment. I had a steroid shot which will
Help her lungs grow stronger as quickly as possible and I have to go back tomorrow for another scan on the umbilical cord and another steroid shot. If it is the same tomorrow as it is today, we will be going back an forth a lot more to ensure it’s not worsening. If it is worse tomorrow they will admit me and transport me to Cincinnati to prepare for delivery.
I was told before I found out about the umbilical cord problem, at the first appointment today that they will need me to relocate to Cincinnati around week 35 to be close to the hospital for close monitoring and in case of early labor. So while I was aware I may be going to have to do this, I was completely unaware of the problem that faces us at this time which means we may be having a baby a lot sooner than expected. Continued prayers for healing and I love each and every one of you who has helped in some form or another with prayers and donations and love to our family. I can’t say enough how appreciated it truly is. How inspiring and happy to have so many people care for our sweet Victoria Faith. Please keep the prayers coming and the shares of the page to others for as manny prayers as possible. Thank you all. Xo”