Black Rhinos Return To Africa, Nearly 50 Years After Local Extinction

CHAD, AFRICA (ABC NEWS)- Six black rhinos were flown thousands of miles across the African continent Chad, where they had been relentlessly hunted to local extinction almost 50 years ago.

The rhinos were loaded into specially designed crates at the Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa and driven to the Port Elizabeth International Airport today before embarking on a 15-hour flight to Chad’s Zakouma National Park, according to South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs.


The rhinos had been taken out of the Marakele National Park in northern South Africa in January and transported to the Addo Elephant National Park in the southern part of the country, where they have been held in “bomas,” or enclosures to prepare them for their long journey north.

The African Parks Network, which assisted in the translocation, is tasked with managing and protecting the black rhinos when they arrive in Chad’s Zakouma National Park.

“By establishing a viable and secure population of rhino in Chad, we are contributing to the expansion of the rhino population in Africa, and the survival of a species that has faced high levels of poaching,” South African Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa said in a statement today.


Chad was once home to at least two rhinoceros species: the northern white rhino and the western black rhino. The black rhino roamed the wilds in Zakouma until the 1970s, when they became regionally extinct because of poaching, according to Molewa.

The global population of black rhinos has declined by more than 97 percent since 1960, mainly as a result of poaching and the soaring demand for their horns in Asia, where they are coveted for their perceived healing properties, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The black rhino population has steadily increased since bottoming out in 1995, but the numbers are still 90 percent lower today than three generations ago.


Black rhinos have been reintroduced to several other African nations before, but if this group breeds successfully in Chad, it will be the northernmost wild population of their kind on the continent.



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