West Virginia Emergency Management Division seeks flood damage information

In the wake of flooding across much of the state, the West Virginia Emergency Management Division is asking people to report property damage as a result of the flooding.

The survey is not an application for aid and is used to help the state determine the extent of damage in each county. The data will be assessed by each county, along with the state and federal government.

You can access the survey here.

Homeowners who need help after a natural disaster are advised to contact their local Emergency Management Agency for information on available resources.

Residents can find contact information for county emergency management and report flash flood damage at http://emd.wv.gov/.

Additionally, homeowners visit the WVEMD Damage Assessment Survey at Individual Assistance PDA Survey (arcgis.com).

The program can help you with temporary housing, repairs, and hazard mitigation.

For more information, visit FEMA’s website here.

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