Breaking free from domestic violence: You can have the life you deserve

Domestic violence is one of the top violent crimes in the state of West Virginia and AWAY (formerly The Women’s Resource Center) also helps with sexual assault, West Virginia’s number one violent crime.

“They touch basically everyone’s life in one way or another, whether you’re a primary victim or a secondary victim, or you’re kind of outside of that primary violence or abuse,” said assistant executive director Erin Jones. “It gives me an opportunity to really kind of step in in lives that I can actually make a difference.”

Everyone deserves relationships free from violence, if you fear for your life, AWAY is here for you. Please reach out.

Maybe they don’t know what the process is, the legal steps or even the medical component. AWAY assists with anything related to your situation or will refer you to the services you need.

“Child advocacy centers who help us with younger children. We’re so thankful to have them there. We’re so thankful to have our law enforcement that help with things like transportation to our shelter if that’s something that they need,” the assistant executive director said. “We’re so thankful to our prosecuting attorneys, Legal Aid of West Virginia, helping with our cases — there’s so much that our partners do for us that we cannot provide. We are not legal experts. What we’re experts on is domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking.”

You’re not alone, there are people who want to help. And Jones says it doesn’t matter how many times you might attempt to leave or need help leaving — if you’ve been at AWAY before, don’t hesitate to return.

“We’re never gonna make decisions for anyone… We’re here to empower people into stepping into that new phase of their lives,” said Jones. “We work with you on exactly where you are and taking those steps for safety first, and then what can we do to get you empowered and back to yourself and making the life that you want.”

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Join AWAY at their masquerade-themed gala — 6pm on Oct. 26, at the historic Black Knight.

Your support is greatly appreciated.



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