CHARLESTON, WV (WOAY) – West Virginia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose to 15.2 percent, up over nine percentage points in April.
The number of unemployed state residents increased 67,400 to 117,100. Total unemployment was up 79,600 over the year. The national unemployment rate increased to 14.7 percent in April. These changes reflect the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and efforts to contain it.
Total nonfarm payroll employment decreased 72,500 in March, with declines of 4,700 in the goods-producing sector and 67,800 in the service-providing sector.
Within the goods-producing sector, employment decreased 2,600 in construction, 2,000 in manufacturing, and 100 in mining and logging. Within the service-providing sector, employment declines included 30,800 in leisure and hospitality, 12,400 in trade, transportation, and utilities, 9,200 in education and health services, 6,600 in government, 3,700 in professional and business services, 2,600 in other services, 2,200 in financial activities, and 300 in information.
Since April 2019, total nonfarm payroll employment has decreased 87,400. Employment declines includes 32,500 in leisure and hospitality, 15,300 in trade, transportation, and utilities, 9,500 in education and health services, 6,800 in government, 6,600 in construction, 5,200 in professional and business services, 3,300 in other services, 3,200 in manufacturing, 2,100 in mining and logging, 2,100 in financial activities, and 800 in information.