FAYETTE COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – Over the course of several years, the Page-Kincaid Water System has seen many water issues with an outdated system. And while West Virginia American Water has been helping the area with the problems for nearly a year now, the company is finalizing its purchase of the system and officially taking over.
They were joined at the Fayette County Courthouse Tuesday by the Page-Kincaid Public Service District and the Fayette County Commission for the finalization.
“It’s had some issues, and like with other small systems in the state, it had trouble keeping up with regulations, keeping up with the needs of the system,” says Robert Burton, President of West Virginia American Water.
“They’ve been doing a great job for many years trying to run the system, trying to take care of their customers, we’re just able to now at this point step in and provide the help and assistance that’s needed, and to help these customers going forward,” he says.
As official customers of West Virginia American Water, the area’s water system is now part of the whole New River system.