FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Since the mask mandate began, eating out at restaurants has gotten a little more complicated.
Some people have expressed concern about mask etiquette in restaurants, while others aren’t mindful of it.
The legality and safety of it are potential concerns. According to the governor, masks must be worn in any buildings that aren’t your own home if social distancing isn’t possible. If a mask is taken off in a restaurant, even briefly while eating, is there any harm?
Jeffrey Toth, the owner of the Wood Iron Eatery, takes things a step further and doesn’t allow anyone inside his restaurant, and instead limits patrons to outside seating only.
“That’s pretty much why I haven’t gone out to eat at any businesses. I’ve gotten take out food from a few of the places around town, but for the most part I’m kind of weirded out about the fact that it’s okay to walk in with a mask but then you take it off when you’re inside. So I’ve just avoided the whole thing,” Toth said.
The mask mandate will stay in effect until further notice from Governor Justice.