BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – The Raleigh County Veteran’s Museum is putting out flags to honor veterans this Memorial Day Weekend.
Normally the flags are placed outside for a Veteran’s Day ceremony in the fall, but these flags were left behind from previous years when family members never picked them up.
Raleigh Commissioner Ron Hedrick, who happens to be a volunteer at the museum, says it was a way to make use of the previous years’ flags that didn’t have anywhere to go.
“A lot of the flags we had out there were taken by the loved ones that came here for the ceremony. But some of them were mailed in and ordered from people that couldn’t be here that day, so those flags were left here. And we didn’t want to throw them away or anything like that, so we’re gonna put them back out for display,” Hedrick said.
The Veteran’s Museum is also looking for donations, given that they’ve been closed during the pandemic and haven’t been able to get much revenue.