BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – To protect students and staff against the coronavirus, each of the district’s schools will develop its operations plan.
Schools are set to open on September 8th, Raleigh County Superintendent David Price says the Raleigh County Education Board has followed all guidelines issued by the state and can ensure a safe return to all staff members and students.
“As far as reopening, we’re still looking at the guidance documents; we have things nailed down pretty good right now. We think it’s still a little early for us to make that announcement. We plan to do that hopefully by the end of this month,” said Superintendent David Price.
According to Price, mandatory temperature taking will not be required. Students and staff are expected to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anyone with a fever above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or other signs of the coronavirus must avoid school buildings and should transition to online classes.
“As far as mandatory temperature taking, right now, that’s not something that we have to do. But as we monitor students coming in… anything going on, we will have the infrared thermometers to be able to do what we need to do,” said Price.
Price says the safety plan will state provide more information regarding safety precautions, such as whether or not the district school buses will be required to have hand sanitizer, assigned seats, and social distancing. The document will also state if students will be required to wear masks while riding.
“Definitely, our plans will be taking extra precautionary measures as far as our cleaning goes, and we will be putting those steps out about how we’ll be operating real soon. We want to make sure when we put that out, it’s in a simple document that parents can understand,” said Price.
For more information on back-to-school plans, you can call the Raleigh County Education Board at (304) 256-4500.