CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A push to remove Confederate Gen. Stonewall Jackson’s name from a West Virginia middle school that has the state’s highest percentage of black students is growing.
Those who support changing the name of Stonewall Jackson Middle School will march at the Kanawha County Board of Education on Saturday, the Charleston Gazette-Mail reported.
The school’s student body is 42% African American, which is the highest proportion among public middle schools, according to the West Virginia Department of Education.
Dozens of people showed up at the school board’s meeting Thursday night holding signs that said, “Change the Name” and “Black Lives Matter.” Before that, Bishop Wayne Crozier met with concerned residents to discuss the proposal and received support from Chris Shinn, the school’s faculty senate president.
Crozier said Saturday’s march will start at his church, Abundant Life Ministries, and go to the school board’s central office.
The school board is set to discuss the issue on July 6.