Public Service Commission Chairman explains next steps for Page-Kincaid

FAYETTE COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – West Virginia American Water must put their formal agreement on the table by September 18. This will allow them to take over the antiquated Page-Kincaid water system.

Residents have been dealing with severely discolored water in the area for about two years.

The Page-Kincaid Public Service District has already voted to allow the takeover to happen and the Public Service Commission, the governing body in Charleston, has already ordered that construction must begin immediately for the $3 million dollars worth of upgrades.

“The water company can start immediate construction, can start immediate replacements, upgrades. I mean, it will take several months to get all of this done, but at least I think that we should see progress pretty quickly,” PSC Chairman Charlotte Lane said.

Right now, Lane cannot say how this will impact rates for the residents but she does not expect there to be a huge difference from what they are paying now.

When it comes to the sewer system, which is also controlled by the Page-Kincaid PSD, Lane says it will be about seeing what exactly is in the agreement that WVAW will put forward.

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Anna Saunders is a weekend reporter for WOAY. With a diploma from Princeton Senior High School and a mother from Fayette County, she is no stranger to the area. She received a degree in Media Arts and Design from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia and wanted to return home to start her career as a reporter.