New River Gorge organization hosts first-ever Beer with Friends event

FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Friends of New River Gorge National Park held a celebration out at Arrowhead Bike Farm to recognize their new name, the new national park, and their new t-shirts and stickers.

Their first-ever “Beer with Friends” event was also just a good chance to learn more about this organization and how they help our new national park.

“The idea behind this was just a chance to reach out to the general public so they could come meet our board of directors, and to learn about how we work together with the park service to make sure this is a wonderful place to play while also keeping it in good shape environmentally,” says Dave Bassage, executive director of Friends of New River Gorge.

Friends of New River Gorge plans to hold more events for everyone who loves the New River Gorge and just wants to celebrate it. You can learn more about them and these upcoming events by going to or by finding them on their Facebook page.

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