GLEN JEAN, WV (WOAY) – Visitors to Thurmond will have to walk further to tour the historic railroad town while its centerpiece, the Thurmond depot, undergoes a major reroofing project, according to New River Gorge National River Superintendent Lizzie Watts. Parking will be available across the river on the south side, and visitors may walk across the Thurmond bridge to the town, a distance of around six hundred yards.
Built by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad in 1904 after the original depot was destroyed by fire, this will be the first time the historic structure’s roof has been replaced in its entirety, noted Watts. According to a WVU report, some of the slate roof is original to the building.
“We will be replacing the roof in-kind,” stated Watts, “along with additional improvements to the gutter system and other sections that are weathered,” Watts added that the work is needed to maintain the integrity of the roof and provide visual uniformity to the historic structure.
The project, which began the week of June 18, will continue into early July. During this time, visitors may still tour the historic downtown commercial row. The depot, however, will remain closed. Caution is advised crossing the bridge, as it is an active roadway, and visitors are asked to avoid the construction area. Limited parking may be available at the depot on weekends.
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