BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – Shade Tree Car Club, Smooth Impressions Car Club, and Beckley Events have been organizing Neighborhood Car Cruises in the community. After two successful cruises (around Bowling Addition and McLean Addition/Harper Road) the past two weekends, this Saturday’s cruise is going out into the county.
Weather-permitting (no rain), vehicle line-up will happen at the Ghent Volunteer Fire Department between 4:00 and 4:30 pm. The cruise will leave the fire department at 4:45 pm turning right onto Route 19. Vehicles will follow Route 19 through Cool Ridge, Shady Spring, and Daniels, and then, turn right onto Grandview Road (across from IGA). This road will go past Little Beaver State Park (waterfall area) and on to The Oaks subdivision (making a circle around parts of Quiet Oaks Street and Wandering Lane). The cruise will continue to Grandview National Park with a ride around the parking lot to view rhododendrons in bloom. This cruise covers about 20 miles and may take 30 minutes or more from Ghent to Grandview. Cruisers are welcome to walk around the park and take in the views at the overlooks and trails, however social distancing guidelines should be followed. As cruisers leave the park on their own, an optional ride-along Old Grandview Road can be considered.
According to the cruises’ car club representatives, members of car clubs in nearby counties have inquired about joining the cruise on Saturday. The cruises are open to anyone wanting to show off their vehicle. Car owners are asked to stay in their vehicles, so social distancing is practiced. If you live along the route, be sure to watch for the cruise from your yard as it goes by on Saturday. If you don’t live along the route and want to see the cars, you can watch from your vehicle at a parking lot along the route. The organizers want to thank everyone who has participated in the last two cruises and appreciate the residents who watched.
The organizers will probably skip offering a cruise on May 23 since it is Memorial weekend and high school graduations. The May 30 (rain date – June 6) cruise may include part of Beckley’s Ward 2 area near Park Middle School with line-up at the school parking lot. Follow the Facebook pages of either car club or Beckley Events for more details or call 304-256-1776.