WEST VIRGINIA (WOAY) – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) today released the following statement in honor of Memorial Day.
“Today we pay tribute to the courageous men and women who have so bravely served and paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation. Their patriotism and heroism is truly inspiring. West Virginians are no stranger to these sacrifices, with one of the highest Veterans per capita of any state, we know what these men and women have given to protect our freedoms. Gayle and I thank those who have served and continue to serve with valor and distinction.
“While Memorial Day this year is certainly different than what we’ve all been accustomed to due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will continue to honor the families who have lost loved ones in defense of our country. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a loved one in the line of duty, and I encourage all West Virginians to take a moment to thank the spouses, parents, and children of those we have lost. Especially now during this crisis that affects every one of us, I believe the best way we can honor their loss is by continuing to serve, coming together as a country, and helping out our fellow neighbors.
“On behalf of every West Virginian and American, I want to thank every Veteran, their families, and the Gold Star Families for their awe-inspiring patriotism and their immense sacrifice to our nation. From the bottom of my heart, I extend my deepest gratitude and respect for the men and women who gave everything to keep us safe. May God bless you, your families, and this great nation.”