Hawk Knob Cidery to host bake sale on Saturday to raise money for Secret Sandwich Society

FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – After the structure fire that destroyed Secret Sandwich Society on Thursday, the community has come together in more ways than one to help out.

On Saturday, Hawk Knob Cidery will be hosting a bake sale fundraiser at the Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau parking lot.

Hawk Knob Sales Director Jason Nerenberg says anyone can come and sell baked goods and anyone can come and shop as all proceeds will go to the staff at Secret Sandwich Society. 

“The thought was to strike while the iron’s hot. I think while this is fresh on everyone’s mind, we really wanted to get the entire Fayetteville and surrounding areas involved and just do our best to raise some funds and help the staff,” Nerenberg said. 

They will be set up from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday. 

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Anna Saunders is a weekend reporter for WOAY. With a diploma from Princeton Senior High School and a mother from Fayette County, she is no stranger to the area. She received a degree in Media Arts and Design from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia and wanted to return home to start her career as a reporter.