Fayetteville’s Wizarding Weekend has gone off without a hitch

FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY)- The most magical weekend in fayette county is here! Fayetteville’s Wizarding Weekend kicked off with plenty of spells for everyone to enjoy.

The magical festivities continued regardless of this week’s weather! Many people came out and dressed in their best wizard gear and represented their school of wizardry houses. Even Christian Boteler and Serena Davanzo got their letters and headed to the School of Wizardry.

There were many activities that people could do, both free and paid for, all throughout Fayetteville. Including but not limited to scavenger hunts, wand building, potion making, magic shows, duels, and so much more. It was definitely a magical weekend, with more events tomorrow, including a quidditch match!

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