Fayette County Health Dept. offers free flu shots to first responders in drive-thru event

MT. HOPE, WV (WOAY) – On Tuesday, the Fayette County Health department gave first responders a chance to come get free flu shots.

At the conclusion of their COVID testing event, health department staff provided a window for all local first responders who have not gotten a flu shot to come get one at the J.W. and Hazel Ruby West Virginia Welcome Center.

“The more we can keep our workforce healthy the better we are going to be able to take care of one another. Our first responders are the frontlines, so it’s really important that they not get sick with the flu as well,” Fayette County Health Officer Dr. Anita Stewart said. 

The department now has their flu shots, so anyone can come by at any time between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to the department to get your free shot.

At this time, there are no active flu cases in Fayette County, but there are some reports in surrounding counties.

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Anna Saunders is a weekend reporter for WOAY. With a diploma from Princeton Senior High School and a mother from Fayette County, she is no stranger to the area. She received a degree in Media Arts and Design from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia and wanted to return home to start her career as a reporter.