FAYETTEVILLE, WV (WOAY) – Following a special session at the Fayette County Courthouse Monday, the commission has made a couple of big moves.
They are currently making realignments for the local 911 center. This will include the acquisition of a new deputy director.
The current director will go to fill the position of a permanent emergency management operator, a necessary action to take as more people make their way into the area.
“With everything going on, with the new park happening, with the boy scouts, we need to have someone that’s dedicated to just emergency management,” says Fayette County Commissioner, John Brenemen.
Another major topic at the meeting was the New Roots Community Farm.
After the farm received word that it was to become its own separate entity in recent months, the commissioners were able to officially sign the documents over.
While the commission has worked closely with the new farm throughout its time of development, Breneman says their independence is important for them to function smoothly.
“It’s important that they have the ability to make their own decisions on time and get the necessary seeds, plants, and the work going on around the year,” he says.
The New Roots Farm will now be able to obtain their own supplies needed to run it without having to rely on a third-party entity for help.