OAK HILL, WV (WOAY) – With the 4th of July just around the corner, it’s important to remind ourselves of the safety precautions needed when handling fireworks.
“These are about the safest that you can get, and they do everything on their own,” TNT Owner Heather Gonzales said.
As the 4th of July weekend approaches, city officials are reminding everyone to be safe when it comes to lighting off fireworks in celebration.
“Make sure that you have a nice flat area, whether you use a piece of wood on the ground or you can use a cinder block to put your tube in. You also want to think of some sort of water source, whether it holes or a bucket of water,” Gonzales said.
City police and fire rescue officials say the majority of injuries they see from fireworks are in children, even though you have to be over 18 to set off fireworks.
“Make sure to keep an eye on your children; be aware that they are explosions. They’re fun and fun to look at. However, every year people get injured, setting these types of devices off. Everyone gets their kids sparkles, and those dangerous those get very hot. Just be aware that of the fact that you can get hurt doing this and use common sense,” said Corporal Clark Mccornick.
Fireworks are involved in over 9,100 injuries in the U.S. every year. Injuries occur to all body parts and not just hands and fingers. The most devastating injuries occur to the head and eyes with blindness and facial trauma.
“A big is don’t be abusing alcohol or any other types of drugs while you’re setting these things off. Those substances can impair your judgment and lead to an injury,” Mccornick said.
Gonzales also encourages everyone to let their fireworks soak in a bucket of water for 48 hours.