FAYETTE COUNTY, WV (WOAY) – In honor of Motorcycle Awareness Month, bikers share safe practices for sharing the road.
As the weather warms up, you may see more motorcyclists taking to roads winding up and down the mountains. When it comes to getting on the road, there are a variety of things that bikers need to keep in mind.
“Watch for debris on the road, watch everyone around you, make sure you travel roads that you know,” said Harley Davidson parts associate Travis Prince. “[On] some roads, you’ll have obstacles like potholes, and when they pop up unexpectedly, it could be dangerous. If you’re a new rider, just ride the roads you know and make sure you watch around you.”
When it comes to road debris, it isn’t always what you’d expect. For motorcycles, grass clippings left in the road can be like hitting a patch of black ice.
”People don’t quite realize that grass is a danger for us,” said biker James Gregory. “Some of our highways need a terrible amount of work. It’s rough for a car, but for a motorcycle, it can be deadly.”
Other drivers need to be aware of motorcycles on the road, too.
“I’ve had people pull out in front of me, cut me off,” said Prince. “We’re just not as visible as other motorists on the road.”
The U.S. Department of Transportation says there are six blind spots bikers can be lost in, so be sure to look before changing lanes.
Bikers can also take a few precautions of their own to be sure they’re seen on the road.
“The best thing I can recommend for safety is quality LED lighting,” said Prince. “The brighter those lights are… the more chance that someone is going to see us.”
If you want to install LED lights on your bike, visit Harley Davidson in Hico.