BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – On Friday, Beckley ARH will be opening a drive-thru respiratory clinic in their parking lot, and this one will not require a doctor’s order
Those experiencing fever, cough or shortness of breath are encouraged to come and then will be screened by a health professional there to see if they meet the criteria to be tested.
Patients will then go through tests for influenza A, influenza B, strep and then complete a respiratory panel.
If all comes back negative, CEO Rocco Massey says they will use the flu swab and send it off to the state lab to test for COVID-19.
“The swab that is used for the flu is then used for the COVID-19 swab. It can be one in the same,” he said. “It’s frozen, yes, so we don’t have to recollect another swab. We keep it, and we will pass that one right off to the health department if the others are negative.”
This will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and you must bring a photo I.D. and insurance card.